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Indian National Anthem




জনগণমন-অধিনায়ক জয় হে ভারতভাগ্যবিধাতা!

পঞ্জাব সিন্ধু গুজরাট মরাঠা দ্রাবিড় উৎকল বঙ্গ

বিন্ধ্য হিমাচল যমুনা গঙ্গা উচ্ছলজলধিতরঙ্গ

তব শুভ নামে জাগে, তব শুভ আশিষ মাগে,

গাহে তব জয়গাথা।

জনগণমঙ্গলদায়ক জয় হে ভারতভাগ্যবিধাতা!

জয় হে, জয় হে, জয় হে, জয় জয় জয় জয় হে।।



Bengali Romanization:


Janagaṇamana-adhināẏaka jaẏa hē bhāratabhāgyabidhātā!

Pañjāba sindhu gujarāṭa marāṭhā drābiṛa uṯkala baṅga

bindhya himācala yamunā gaṅgā ucchalajaladhitaraṅga

taba śubha nāmē jāgē, taba śubha āśiṣa māgē,

gāhē taba jaẏagāthā.

Janagaṇamaṅgaladāẏaka jaẏa hē bhāratabhāgyabidhātā!

Jaẏa hē, jaẏa hē, jaẏa hē, jaẏa jaẏa jaẏa jaẏa hē.



Devanagari Script:


जनगणमन-अधिनायक जय हे भारतभाग्यविधाता!

पंजाब सिंधु गुजरात मराठा द्राविड़ उत्कल बंग

विंध्य हिमाचल यमुना गंगा उच्छलजलधितरंग

तव शुभ नामे जागे, तव शुभ आशिष मागे,

गाहे तव जयगाथा।

जनगणमंगलदायक जय हे भारतभाग्यविधाता!

जय हे, जय हे, जय हे, जय जय जय जय हे।।



English Translation:


The following translation (edited in 1950 to replace Sindh with Sindhu as Sindh after partition was allocated to Pakistan), attributed to Tagore, is provided by the Government of India's national portal:


Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people,

Dispenser of India's destiny.

Thy name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sind,

Gujarat and Maratha,

Of the Dravida and Odisha and Bengal;

It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas,

mingles in the music of Yamuna and Ganges and is

chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea.

They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise.

The saving of all people waits in thy hand,

Thou dispenser of India's destiny.

Victory, victory, victory to thee.

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